
Rogers Plantshop

0738-41 31 30


For over 35 years the citizens of Trelleborg as well as visitors have been able to enjoy the amazing palm trees of Trelleborg – grown in Elche near Alicante, Spain.

We thought it would be exciting if we managed to nurture this palm tree here in Trelleborg and started an attempt to do so in the summer of 2011. Today we have – as one of Europe’s northernmost palm growers – a number of smaller specimens ready for sale.

The popular “Trelleborg palm” is a fairly fast growing "Fan Palm" (Washingtonia Filifera), which is common in the Mediterranean. We sell other palm trees as well, including the Chusan palm. Soon you can also buy the Date palm that was the first imported palm to the “palm tree promenade” in Trelleborg.

How to grow ”The Trelleborg Palm”

Fan Palm Wasingtonia filifera

Big fan-like leaves with decorative threads on them. Can stand dry air indoors.

How to grow: Put the seeds in water 1 day before use. Grew it indoor or outdoor within the summer months in a pot with the seed 1 cm from the surface. Use soil suitable for growing with 1/4 fine-grained gravel. Keep the soil moist until the seeds have start growing (approx. 1-2 month). Replant in bigger pots for the best growth of the palms. Place in a sunny spot, preferably outdoor in the summer.

The pictures are among others from the public park, the palm tree plantations and the botanical garden Huerto Del Cura in Elche outside of Alicante, the “Palm tree promenade” alongside the west entrance to Trelleborg and our own palm tree plantation in Trelleborg.